Publisher’s Points to Ponder:

Publisher’s Points to Ponder: The Call

What does it mean to answer “the call” as Christians? After answering, what impact does “the call” have on your lifestyle? What adjustments must you make to accept “the call?” Who is called?

I believe God calls everyone to a higher purpose. Every one of us has different talents and gifts that we should use for a purpose greater than ourselves. Sometimes, when we are called, we don’t recognize the call. And then there are times, some of us realize it, but we feel we are not ready. While others may choose to reside in ignorance or denial, some of us are nonresponsive to the call because of our flawed belief that we are not good enough nor have credentials worthy of the call. Again, God calls everyone to a higher purpose. The real question is whether you are willing to see what God has in store for you?

The Bible contains stories about men and women who struggled with the same questions we struggle with while exploring the call or discovering our purpose in life. We will find that the one thing these stories have in common is the fulfillment that occurs after recognizing one’s calling.

Recognizing the call is not always easy. I love the way Dr. Myles Munroe explained it. He said not everyone hears the voice of God, but that does not mean our life has no purpose. He said our calling in most cases could be identified as that “thing” you love to do. It is that “thing” that nags at you constantly. It is that “thing” that you would do for free if given the opportunity. Sometimes we refer to that “thing” as passion. Passion is an intense desire for anything. I believe that passion intensifies as we grow. We may choose to pursue our passion, or we may choose to ignore it and live a life that ends in misery. Living life in distress is not living. It is not life. Choose life by fulfilling your purpose.

For the next few days, think about God’s call to you and what that means for the life you have elected to live. Ponder about the struggles many biblical figures faced in pursuit of their call. Start with Abraham, Noah, Moses, Nehemiah, Rahab, Deborah, Esther…the list goes on. None of these people were perfect, and few were credentialed, but all eventually became willing to answer his or her call. Are you willing to answer yours?