Publisher’s Points to Ponder: Busted - The Importance of the census

Publisher’s Points to Ponder: Busted - The Importance of the census

I must confess! I have stood on my soapbox proclaiming the importance of completing the 2020 census that the U.S. Government mandates every 10 years. I have written articles, posted reminders and harassed family and friends. Guess who forgot to complete the census? I DID.

There is no need to scold me because Mrs. Sybil McClatchey busted me in the office and showed me her official U.S. Census badge. I panicked and said, “You’re after me, aren’t you?” Although we shared a good laugh about my oversight and procrastination, the federal government has the right to impose a fine and, in some cases, throw you in jail. Thank goodness she was able to submit my form within five minutes. She asked my age, gender, address, date of birth and who lives with me. That is it! Do not believe the rumors that you are required to give them your Social Security number or verify your citizenship status— that is simply NOT TRUE!

So why is it essential to open your door when the census team knocks? Because the census determines how much federal aid we are entitled to and congressional representation are needed in our area, among other things. The census happens every 10 years, and it takes less than 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. THE DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 30.

Thanks, Mrs. McClatchey, for not penalizing me. I am grateful to you and all the hardworking census-takers who are working tirelessly to ensure every form is completed. So, when you hear the knock, open the door, or go online to complete the form. If you have any questions or concerns, visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section at