

It’s that time of year again which I always find a little bitter sweet. The end of another Olney ISD school year. May is the busiest time of year for me. Very hectic. Lots of banquets and ceremonies. I enjoy taking photos for as many end-of-year events as I can. I just really love showing off these Cubs because they work so hard and deserve all the recognition they can get.

As the school year ends, it becomes that time when I back up all of my hard drives from the years events in order to start fresh at the end of summer. Of course, I probably spend way too much time looking at all the photos from the year and begin to reminisce about all the fun times I had watching these Cubs strive for greatness.

Olney is well known for their toughness, their ‘can-do’ attitude, and never ever giving up. The students who attend Olney High School do such an amazing job living up to this reputation. They fight hard for the win and when they stumble, they always dust themselves off and come back fighting even harder. These students don’t know the meaning of quitting.

I don’t think many know just how great this little town’s school district is. Olney ISD is full of amazing teachers, coaches, facilitators and board members. Olney ISD continually strives for excellence and they succeed fully. The Olney students are amazing athletes who never cease to make me overflow with pride year after year. I know in my heart, that each of these students graduating this year will go on to be completely successful in whatever that put their minds to. This is Will B. saying, “good luck Olney High School graduates on your next endeavor!”