

The recent blow-up over racial slurs surrounding the Graham vs. Hirschi game got me thinking about my recent article on not judging. It just seems so many are just waiting to pounce on the next big negative story or post. As I said before, I really think negativity is a virus. You just have to remove yourself as far as possible if you do not want to end up with this community-destroying virus.

The whole debacle was stirred up by someone not even from Graham, and because so many were quick to jump on the bandwagon of negativity, the story was just taken as truth, sheep mentality at its finest. There was no fact-checking or waiting to see what an investigation may bring to light, like facts. It was just a tidal wave of people falling headlong over the edge of sanity to bash Graham.

Who is paying for all this now? The students of Graham High School more than anyone. These hard-working students just want to go to school and to extra-curricular activities like volleyball and football and have a fun year at school making memories, memories that now will be flawed with negativity, insults, and threats assaulting them from all directions.

People, can we please use our brains before becoming keyboard warriors? Let’s get our facts straight and remember that slandering people’s good reputations not only hurts them but the ones doing the mudslinging. It really is such a bad look.

Titus 3:10 “If people are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them.” Words to live by for sure. I almost fell into the group on Facebook that just deletes their accounts and has nothing to do with Facebook anymore because of all the negativity. Then before I did, I thought to myself, why should I deprive myself of all the good news about people’s lives just because of some people’s ability to always find the negative in life?

About five years ago, I just started removing negative people from my Friends list and it has been bliss ever since. I do the same in life with those around me as well. You might be surprised at just how peaceful your life could be by simply removing negativity, including negative people. This is Will B saying, be happy and spread positivity with those around you. The world desperately needs this.