Olney Senior Cub Center Chats

Olney Senior Cub Center Chats

What? June is already 1/3 gone?! I realize our universe is expanding, but I hadn’t expected it to hurl our days by so fast! So many things to do, so many things yet to discover, and here I am -- afoot! My faithful steed suffered a seizure at Avenue L and Oak Street on Memorial Day, and was transported to the krankenhaus. The diagnosis was not music to my ears, rather a death knell.(sigh) Now the search is on for a replacement for that Clydesdale. An Appaloosa might suit my fancy, but definitely not a Shetland Pony. You are right-- I’m referring to vehicles, not horses. I’d like a classy looking one that is broken in, providing a comfortable ride, and not a gas-guzzler. Don’t know if one has been invented yet, but I’m an optimist.

A special thanks to one of my friends who frequents Cub Center for rescuing me. He helped push my vehicle to the curb and gave me a ride home. Thank you James Jenkins!! You were my knight in shining armor! So thankful for the friendships made at the Center!

ACCOLADES to our EMS crew for prompt and expert handling of a recent call to the Center. They were wonderful! Thank you, thank you! Stop in for lunch sometime EMS.

Our Bingo picture that Angela posted last week got lots of hits and comments. If you’d like to join us for Bingo, turn south on Avenue B, go a few blocks, turn into parking lot, and come inside. Be here by 10:30 and enjoy an hour of fun! We’ll even give you a bag to carry your prizes home;.

Father’s Day is coming. Honor those men who’ve been such great influencers in your life. They don’t have to provide great riches money-wise; it’s the riches from the heart that matter. Give him a hug, talk with him, ask him about his childhood and experiences that brought him joy. Record his response to a special question so you can play it back anytime you want to hear his voice.

I saw a video of a young mother holding a sobbing 3-year old boy. When she asked him what was wrong, he blubbered, “What will happen to me if you die?” Then tears started streaming down her face and blended in with his as she hugged him tightly. His dad had recently died, so when he suddenly became aware of his precarious situation, the frightened little guy had asked his mom that question. Parents are lifelines for a child; they are security. Let us never forget! Honor your parents everyday, but especially on days set aside for them. For those of us who no longer have our parents on earth with us, may we honor them by recalling those memories they left behind.

Oh, those beautiful red birds are back flaunting their redness! They seem to know whenever someone is in need of a little cheer. Good medicine, indeed! So thankful for so much... the critters, the birds, the flowers, the friendships, the rain, but especially to the One who sends these things.

Have a great week! Be a blessing to others and keep on smiling.