Olney Senior

Olney Senior Cub Center Chats

Wow! What a thrill to watch the total lunar eclipse Sunday night, the 15th. As the moon entered the Earth’s shadow, a faint red color could be detected, and it grew until the entire moon glowed with a dull red hue. Of course, it was 11:00ish before the eclipse was completed, so I drove back into my garage with a satisfying feeling that the moon could then find its way out of the shadow on its own. My pillow was calling my name! Now I will wait until November for the next such spectacle.

Ah, the blast of cold air hitting the face is certainly a welcome greeting at the Center when one opens the door to enter! The contrast to the outside furnace-like condition is almost startling! But, oh, so welcome. If you are in need of some “cool,” our doors are open M-F until 3:00, so come enjoy the comfortable place and help put the leaf-shaped puzzle together. There are no straight edges to form a frame, so this may be a little tricky to put together. I may need lots of help on this one!

For those who haven’t heard, a rabid fox was found on the south side of town near Mockingbird. So keep an eye on your pets, especially in that area. Contact our police if you see any animal acting suspiciously or being aggressive.

Keep praying for rain for relief from the drought Texas is experiencing!! Fire can ignite so quickly and spread so fast. Abilene has been under alert for days. The Colorado fires may get relief from snowstorms due there, but RAIN is needed across several of our southwestern states. As you make travel plans for upcoming vacations or weekend trips, stay updated on weather events in your target areas. The life you save may be your own!

Congratulations to OHS graduates! They had a great senior year, and we