My Nickel’s Worth
My Nickel’s Worth

My Nickel’s Worth

Masters Degree

This past week, I graduated with my Masters degree in Strategic Communication and Innovation from Texas Tech University. For the past two years, I have been working on my Masters and I am now proud to say that I have a Masters degree! It is has definitely not been easy. I spent many of nights after work and on the weekends, consumed by classes and class work. This Spring was my final project course, which I had been leading up to for the better part of 18 months. I had to give a 30 minute presentation in front of several of my professors about my final project. After the presentation, I officially completed my final course! I have grown so much in the past two years and could not have accomplished this goal without my family, and because of the growth I have made as Editor. When I first became Editor, I was so nervous to interview and converse with people. That quickly changed as the months past, and I could not have had a successful final presentation without my recent experiences. It is surreal to think that my Masters journey is over, but I am so glad I chose this path a few summers ago.