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My Nickel’s Worth

This has been a rough week. My grandparents have Covid. My great grandma has Covid. And my “adopted” grandparents have been in the hospital with Covid, and he died. I cried so many tears this week.

My cousins’ grandpa had known me his entire life and they were even at the hospital when I was born. They came to my parties, graduations, and spent time with us every holiday. They have loved me like a grandson. They have been in my life for almost 24 years.

This past week, Dale died. His wife is sitting alone in a Covid unit with double pneumonia and can’t even have the comfort of her family. Due to overcrowding, there are only two nurses on her floor. I can’t comprehend what has happened in America. Is this the best we can do? A grieving woman who was married to the same man for 61 years can’t see him until he is unconscious and on the verge of dying? When she has Covid already? I am sad for Dale’s wife, Ann, sad for his grown kids who have Covid, and the grandkids who can’t see their grandmother during a difficult time.

Pray for an end to Covid. It has taken so much away from us already. It is time for us to pray for this country, for our people, and beg God to heal our land.