Letters to the Editor

Why does anybody vote Republican?

Dear Editor:

In relation to a recent article that Olney Enterprise wrote about the Olney Public Works, we can understand that having blocked pipes is both costly and time consuming. However, the issue is not caused by flushable wipes, but is rather caused by the flushing of wipes and other objects that are not intended to be flushed.

It is important to explain that there are two types of wipes in this context: non-flushable and flushable. Non-flushable wipes are made with long, often synthetic (plastic) fibers that are not designed to break down in water. Flushable wipes, on the other hand, are made of short, all-natural fibers and are made to disintegrate in water like toilet tissue. In forensic studies conducted on sewer clogs in major cities, 98-99% of the materials in the clogs were found to be non-flushable items such as non-flushable wipes, especially baby wipes, cleaning wipes, and facial/makeup removal wipes. To an untrained eye, a wipe looks like a wipe; when wipes are found in a clog, it’s easy to think that those are flushable wipes. The research, however, proves otherwise.

At DUDE Products, we are very proud of the quality of our flushable wipes, which undergo rigorous testing to ensure they can be flushed. Our flushable DUDE Wipes have passed independent tests pursuant to INDA GD4 Guidelines and DUDE Wipes represents that its moist toilet tissue products are flushable.

Five states (Washington, Oregon, Illinois, California, Colorado) have passed legislation adopting the “Do Not Flush” labeling requirement for non-flushable wipes made entirely or in part from petrochemical-derived fibers. Flushable wipes, which are engineered using different processes and materials than non-flushable wipes, are not included in the legislation.

We at DUDE Products have wipes that are both flushable (e.g. DUDE Wipes) and non-flushable (e.g. DUDE Shower Wipes). Our nonflushable wipe products are clearly labeled with the “Do Not Flush” logo.

DUDE Products is a proud member of the Responsible Flushing Alliance, an independent nonprofit trade association committed to educating consumer about responsible and smart flushing habits to help reduce damage to our nation’s sewage systems. We will continue to support efforts to ensure only flushable products end up in the toilet.

Submitted by Dude Products

Dear Editor:

The Texas Legislature has just completed its 3rd special session. Only the Texas Governor can call for a special Legislative Session. Abbott called all three special sessions to enact legislation requiring vouchers, where the money going to parents of private school students is subtracted dollar for dollar from public school funds. Vouchers will decimate Rural Texas Public Schools. And, everybody knows this.

But, Abbott, in this year alone, despite being a 3 time loser on his voucher bills, guess who has just announced a 4th Special Legislative Session to enact what? You guessed it! It’s Abbott again squealing Vouchers! Abbott has an attitude that it’s OK to punish the Legislators until they croak or give him vouchers. And, that would amount to several _______ dollars each year coming out of public school monies and going to fund for-profit private schools. Vouchers will convert a lot of your tax dollars into pure profits for private school owners. But, wait! There’s more! Guess who gets to pay for the hugely expensive Special Sessions? You do, the Texas Taxpayers! Does Abbott care about wasting your hard earned dollars? Not one little bit! His eyes are on getting his hands on your tax money once the state converts it to vouchers. Pure greed! Not good!

Jeff French yngcodem. chair@gmail.com 940-846-3220-landline 940-212-0437-cell --