Kyle's Corner 8/18

The thing that makes life the most interesting, and ultimately worth living, is that it can’t be planned. Life is unexpected. No matter how hard we try and lay our plans, things happen that are outside our control. These last few weeks, I  have found myself in that very situation. 

My father’s stroke and its effects have swiftly changed my plans and re-aligned my priorities. I have been driving several hundred miles every week for the last three weeks, and it has become a necessity for me to relocate back home. Family is important, and when you’re an only child, such as myself, that burden falls solely on my shoulders.  

I will be moving back to Fort Worth and taking another journalism position in the area. There is no way around it. It’s tough. I have really enjoyed being the Editor at The Olney Enterprise. I have loved getting to know everyone in this community. I have thoroughly gained a lot in the short time I’ve  been responsible for reporting the local news. I leave with a very heavy heart. I had intended on staying much longer than the two months I was here.

The Lord blesses us, corrects us and teaches us in numerous ways. I have been blessed to find another position closer to home and I believe it is a reward for choosing to serve, and putting my family’s needs first. 

All of this has taught me priceless lessons, however. First, things happen in the Lord’s timing. I already knew this, but it is something that constantly needs to be reiterated in my life. I generally like to plan things out to the “T”. I like to think I am very organized and can be too anxious when I can’t see how a situation is going to turn out. The Lord tries to remind me that I need to have patience in His plan, rather than only focusing on my own. Life’s circumstances have reiterated the necessity to understand this basic gospel lesson.

This situation requires a lot of faith that things will work out, and that I will be in the best position to do what the Lord needs me to do. Thankfully, I feel pretty comfortable and at ease with that.

My time spent in Graham and Olney has been spectacular. I prefer living out here to the big city and the experience has given me many blessings. I got to meet great people, started a great career and had numerous opportunities to serve and grow as a person.

Looking back, eight months isn’t really that long (two in Olney) but the time has flown by. I have never been as happy in my work as I have here, and as hard as it is to leave, I am absolutely grateful that I had this opportunity.

I learned a lot about community journalism, a lot about rural Texas and a lot about genuine Christ centered service. For the last four months or so, I have had the opportunity to serve as Mission Leader at my church. This experience has been humbling and quite a blessing. Through that service, I was able to interact with a variety of people and I tried to be a service in anyway that I could. The people I interacted with have touched me and taught me many lessons of faith and self-improvement.

Young County and the greater region will always be apart of both Katie and I, but for now, it’s happy trails. I’m sure I will be back often, whenever I need a respite from the city. I am thankful for everyone I have gotten to work with and blessed with the experiences I have. I will cherish these memories for the rest of my life. Until we meet again, adios Olney.