Joy to the World

How many times this Christmas season have you listened to, sung, hummed, or whistled the song,  Joy to the World?  Clearly, this classic Christmas hymn must be one of the all-time favorite songs – I know it ranks at the top of my list of favorites! Joy is a word we hear regularly during the month of December, but do we know what it means?  Some equate joy with happiness or favorable circumstances.  While we may be joyful when life is going well,  enduring joy originates from another source. Joy comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  While our earthly circumstances change, Jesus never changes.  As the Scriptures remind us, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).  When we place our complete faith in Him, though the world may attempt to bring us down, joy can never be taken from those who live for Him.  In reference to the sufferings the disciples would face, Jesus told them, “you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you” (John 16:22).  Charles Spurgeon, the renowned British preacher of the nineteenth century once said, “Joy is the normal condition of a Believer.”  So true.  Spurgeon actually wrote this as he struggled with a serious illness during the last 24 years of his life.  Please follow me for a second.  When one has a personal relationship with Christ, that person has the Holy Spirit living in them.  Joy is actually produced by the Holy Spirit, not by one’s futile efforts.  So, think of it this way: If you have trusted in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sin, and He has saved you, joy resides within you right now – it is longing to gush out of you!  Trust Him in everything and for everything.  Relinquish control over your life to the Lord Jesus Christ – then, you will experience a joy that transcends anything this crazy world throws at you.

Joy to the world; the Lord is come!