

James 4:10 “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” This is a mandate I have always tried to live by. Being an imperfect human, I tend to forget from time to time and get too big for my britches.

I pray daily without fail and most days multiple times in a day. I try to read my daily verse every day, and I always start the day with a glad heart, with the best intentions on being a positive light in whosevers path I may cross. I work hard to be a positive person. It is easy to do as long as I let God do his work in my life on the daily. It’s hard to do when I push God out on some days.

I generally try not to place fault on anyone or anything but myself. So, when I found myself putting myself above others and thinking selfishly lately, I decided to take a step back and think a spell on it. I have not been going to my Church regularly since March or April last year, when Covid-19 protocols were put into place. At first, I followed along by watching online church and self-study. Before long I found myself enjoying a Sunday routine without church. I began using the Covid-19 protocols as my excuse, bam getting close to a year with no regular fellowship with my church family. Not attending has slowly been eating away at my being humble (out of many this is just one thing that has suffered).

I began thinking like most who have lost the ability to be humble, that I was more important than I am. When this happens for me it causes the ‘why me’ syndrome. I think everything is going wrong. I feel like everything is a fight. This turns to a negative cascade of events created by me.

I feel a weight has been lifted recently when I finally acknowledge my self-made problems. Another reason or excuse for not attending church, I felt I put the elderly at risk by attending because my job requires me to attend many events. This may just be an excuse to not attend as well. If someone is at risk, they most likely would not be at gatherings.

I will return to my church soon, if I have not already done so by the time this is published. I have humbled myself before the Lord in prayer, asking to be humble again, asking for forgiveness of my arrogance and praying for a servant’s heart. This is Will B., just a humble and simple man who enjoys taking photos and writing what is in my heart.