Culpepper and Merriweather Circus, October 4

See details about the Culpepper and Merrweather Circus in the ad and discount coupon on Page 3.

March for Jesus, October 5

The 21st annual “March for Jesus” is Saturday, Oct. 5. The parade line-up starts at 9 a.m. at Tommy Perkins Park on Avenue C. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and head West on Main Street (Avenue C) to Avenue J and back toward Hamilton Street ending at the Olney Civic Center where the community praise and worship service will begin at 11 a.m. Fobbs explained why God placed this March for Jesus movement on her heart more than 20 years ago. “I have a heart for people and believe that God is able to do great things. Without Christ, life can be bad, and I know there is a great need for salvation,” said Fobbs. The [March for Jesus allows us] to see people’s lives change. We have all types of marches like civil rights marches, gun rights marches, my rights marches; Why not have a march for Jesus?” If you are not big on parades, don’t let that stop you from missing the free barbecue lunch that includes brisket with all the trimmings such as onions and pickles, potato salad,  and beans. The kid’s menu will consist of hot dogs and nachos. There will be a variety of desserts to choose from after lunch. There will be live music and give-a-ways throughout the event, and everyone is invited to attend.  The first “March for Jesus” was held in October 1999 with approximately 150-200 participants. Founder Fobbs said she presented the idea to Joe Cullen, Jiggs Stowe and David King. The core group of organizers included: Joe Fobbs, Verma Fobbs, Ruth Ann Perkins, David King, Hollis Powdrell, Joe Cullen, Shirley Jeter, Louis Golden, Bill Wadley, Kenneth Thompson, Stephen Baker, Jene Alkers, John Wilson, Missy Redd, Missy Manley, Freeman Fobbs, Lillian Powdrell, Billy Picket, Jiggs Stowe, Teresa Fobbs, Arstine Pace, Angela Britt, Brenda Joyce Pratt, Karen Wadley, Don West, Stacie Allen and Tim Averett.  Unfortunately, some of the original organizers either passed away or relocated to another area. The group organizing this year’s event includes Verma Fobbs, David King, Chad Edgington, Shirley Jeter,  Arpegea Pagsuberon and Missy Reed.  Let’s keep this tradition going strong with our support. There are a variety of ways you can help: attend the planning meetings on Tuesdays, donate bicycles, desserts and other items. Monetary donations are also welcomed. For more information, please contact Verma Fobbs or Shirley Jeter at 940-564-6755. See the March for Jesus Ad on Page 3.

Sharing Grief BY KYRA MCCRACKEN - 2nd and 4th Thursdays @ 6:30 p.m.

Have you lost a loved one? Do you feel like you just can’t seem to move forward? Do you just want to find a way to talk about your loss without feeling like you’re burdening your friends?  Maybe Grief Support is somewhere you can find that connection. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday’s of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the library of St. Luke Lutheran Church.  Our next meeting is a picnic at Tom Griffin Park on Oct. 10th. Bring your sack dinner and join us.  Our Mission: To love and support others on their grief journey in an informal safe place with lack of judgment with others of similar experiences.  Come and join us for a picnic and see if this might be a group to help you.  

Olney Hamilton Hospital Auxiliary Jewelry Sale, October 10 and October 11

For details about the Hospital Auxiliary fundraiser, see the article by Judi Winslow on Page 7.