An Endangered Species

An Endangered Species

More and more these days it seems I am wrong for being an average, older, white male. When exactly did it become a crime or socially unacceptable to be an older white male?

I have ranted a bit about things like this in the past but it seems things are just getting way out of hand with the whole anti-establishment and counter culture movement. The world has just plum lost its mind, or atleast the United States has. I have to sit back and laugh sometimes about everything that I have seen these past few years. Mr. Potato Head can’t be Mr. Potato Head. Syrup can’t just be syrup. Men can’t be men anymore, woman can’t be woman, or can they? I am lost with all this craziness.

As Popeye once said, “I am what I am.” That’s how I feel. I prefer to open doors for women, show common courtesy, be well-mannered, not cry at the drop of a hat, be strong for my wife, I carry a handkerchief, wear a watch and carry a knife at all times. I like to help others when I can. So, I cannot see why I, as an older white male, am considered dirty in some people’s eyes. I judge people by their merits and would expect the same from others.

When will enough be enough? These counter culture anarchists are driving our once proud nation into the dark ages again. The United States is meant to be the light in the storm. A shining example for all nations to look toward for hope. The United States stopped Hitler for goodness sake. What is happening, and why are there so many sheep where there were once lions in this country?

This is Will B. saying, “It’s time to take back our country!”