Easter was all it was cracked up to be

Easter was all it was cracked up to be

This past week was Easter Sunday, a time when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is always such a great reminder that Jesus died for our sins, but also rose from the grave three days later!

As a Christian, we should remember Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection daily, but it is always an incredible time to worship the Lord and to remember that Jesus is alive—as he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. In my dad’s sermon this past Sunday, he spoke about how Jesus left the tomb as soon as he could—as soon as he was able to, he rose again. This is something that we don’t think about often as Christians, but it is so true.

This Easter was special because we were able to all be in church together as a family again. Last year, we had church in our cars on Easter because of the pandemic. It was awesome to be with my family and extended family again for church in person. My sister is now in college, as well as my first cousin, and they were both able to come back for Easter Sunday. I have usually always gone to my grandparent’s church on Easter and it is so special to me every time I am able to be there. It has always been a church home to me.

Things have been so difficult for churches over the past year and many people have made the decision to stay home because of COVID-19 and just watch the service online, but with the emergence of many people getting the vaccine, our church had more people in attendance this past Sunday than any church service in the past year. There is just something about being in the actual church building with so many believers that is just so special. I am glad we have the technology to be able to watch church online, but going to church on a Sunday morning is different, and you’ll be glad you did!