“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7 NASBS

Ephesians 1:7 NASBS

Brothers and sisters in Christ, may this small devotion lead you in a pathway of rejoicing. May your hearts be overfilled with great joy, and its every beat yielding in submission to the love of Christ Jesus, which surpasses all understanding. Now ponder this statement for just a moment, Christ loves you!!! Now again, listen to what I’m saying, let your mind meditate upon this vast subject. The infinite God Who is not bound by space or time, The One Who holds the stars in the palms of his hands, and The One Who set the boundaries for the mighty oceans loves you!!! He loves you with a perfect love that can never be thwarted. Who can plumb the depths of God’s wisdom, who can climb to the highest peaks of its immensity as though to truly understand it? O, The Love which the Father has for you dear child, for this love was given to you from eternity past. He foreknew you in Jesus Christ before the foundations of the world were ever created. The eternal eyes of Christ beheld you before you were yet formed in your mother’s womb. His desire was for you and He anticipated the day of your birth, a special day He set in the secret counsel of His will. His banner over you was love, and with the inspired words written on the pages of holy scriptures He says to His children, “I am my beloved’s, and My beloved is mine.”

Beloved of God, though you were His from eternity past, The eternal eyes of Jesus, knowing all things, also saw that you would be separated from Him through Adams rebellion. And through this one sin all people would fall under divine judgement. Let this resonate within your soul. Through one man, Adam, sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned. You were hopelessly lost, destitute with no hope, and an enemy of the Most High. His perfect law, in which you could not keep, declared you guilty and sentenced you to death. It was as if you were cast into a prison with iron pillars around it that were impenetrable, and the door was closed behind you with a padlock that no human being could ever open, and you were separated from The Lord forever. Yet, God the Father looked down upon you in your hopeless estate and He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to rescue you from the dungeon of no return. He is The Lion of the tribe of Judah and He is the only one who had the key to open up this prison of destruction and set you free, but it would cost Him His life.

So Jesus, The Son of God, knowing that He would have to lay down His life, came into this world in likeness of man. He laid down His royal scepter for a brief time to feel all of the pangs and sufferings this life had to offer. He was tempted in every way and yet without sin. While His love burned for you in His heart, He went to the cross, He bore the lash of the executioner, and His body was beaten beyond human conception. He wore an earthly crown of thorns upon his head so you could wear His crown of righteousness upon yours. He was pierced through for your transgressions, crushed for your iniquities, and the chastening of your well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging you were set free. Jesus Christ laid His life down for you, tearing the gate of this prison cell off. He lived the life you were incapable of living and died the death you deserved to die. Christ redeemed you from the curse of the law, having become a curse for you. Hanging on the tree, bearing the wrath of God, covered in the spittle of His own creation, while His life was expiring way He said, “It is finished. ” Might I ask you once again Christian to ponder this vast subject, Christ Loves you!!! For in Him you have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.

Begin Your Thursdays with Prayer

Drive-thru Prayer at Cumberland Presbyterian Every Thursday between 6:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. in the church parking lot @ 210 S. Avenue M.