Cub Center Chats

Cub Center Chats By Pat Curtis

Wow! What a fun retirement party for Jerri Ford held on December 30!

She was roasted and toasted royally. The new Director, Angela Lockard, led off the festivities with her gratitude to Jerri for helping her “learn the ropes”of the ins and outs of running the Cub Center.

Pat Curtis then gave some facts about 1989 when Jerri started working for the Center and then read a poem to her:

Jerri, although your retirement is already here,

We promise not to groan or shed a tear.

You deserve to exit with style and grace,

Not with a smeared,tear-stained face.

Your tenure here has been long indeed,

But now, from early drives you have been freed.

So fly like a bird soaring in the breeze-

But do come back to visit us- if you please!

Put a beeper on your string of keys,

So you can find them— in the deep freeze!

Or maybe, it was your trusty phone

That wound up “chillin’,” - if truth be known!

Now you’ll have more time to win at dominos,

So you can spend those dollars at the casinos. If at the casino, you

If at the casino, you have lots of luck,

Maybe James will let you drive his pickup truck!

We wish you happiness in whatever you do-

After working at the Center for years of thirty - two.

Keep your pretty smile always on your face,

And with conversations—Keep up the Pace!! Linda Gray then told

Linda Gray then told some tidbits from the ten years of working with Jerri and presented her with an album of pictures taken in the span of Jerri’s thirty- two years.

Valorie Mahler, Board President, presented Jerri with a lovely James Avery necklace,then cake and punch were served to the thirty something in attendance.