Cub Center Chats

Cub Center Chats

The transition from bitter cold to springlike warmth has invigorated our squirrel population to scamper about in their hurky-jerky style. It is fun watching them as they skitter about, suddenly stop, twitch their tails, then dash up a tree by spiraling around the trunk to gain a good vantage point to observe the world about them. God had a good sense of humor when he created squirrels and gave them their unique gaits and personalities. They are fascinating little critters and very entertaining to watch when they chase one another and jump from limb to limb. Ahh, such freedom!

Freedom! That word brings to mind the indigenous people of this land of ours and the suppression of their lifestyles. They lost their land and way of life when the greed of the white men and the government overpowered them and relegated them to reservations, where they endured tremendous hardships and neglect. The Indians were here first. This was their land, their hunting grounds! Yet, they lost their freedom. Some of the wrongs have been righted, but my heart is saddened that it happened in the first place.

Bingo last week was ruled by Ellen Hardin! She had some lucky cards and won all but one of the games. Congrats to her! We’d love to have more players, so come on Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 and join the fun!

What a delightful surprise last Friday as I drove to the Center about 8:00 A.M.! A “V” of geese flew over heading north! I am always amazed at their instincts and timing. Their “V’s” are much neater than the Sandhill Cranes I’m accustomed to seeing in West Texas. Hmm, I don’t think the geese agreed with that groundhog’s prediction on the 2nd, since they were headed north. The unseasonably warm temps for a February cause me to agree with those geese! Besides that, tulips have started emerging-spring can’t be far away!

Wish we had a compost pile-all those “tater” peelings would have been a great addition! Last Friday’s soup prep peeling and chopping morning made that lip-smacking soup(stew to some) possible. Angela called us the Choppin’ Champions, but I called us 4 Fillies and a Fellow. Valorie Mahler, Edwana Fikes, Barbara Walker, and myself were the fillies and the fellow was James Wiley, who got drafted into helping with the carrots. The gabfest and laughter made for a fun-filled morning. Yeah, for those tater-peelin’ gadgets!! They’re much easier than those paring knives that hurt the fingers and sometimes gouge out chunks of the potatoes. We might have gotten a few potato starch stains on us, but we’re washable.

You Vietnam veterans will be honored guests next month here at Cub Center, so watch for your invitation with the date and time.

This is a spin-off from the November Veteran’s Day, so do come.

Hey, hey, hey, we are contemplating having a summertime get together and meal for a fundraiser. Keep your ears and eyes open for that activity if you’re interested. Cookout, maybe?? We’ll see!

Thank you to our volunteers, old and new, who graciously give of your time to help at various times here at the Center. We appreciate you and your kind hearts!

A special thanks to those of you who donate monetarily to help us meet our obligations to feed approximately 80 people daily. May many jewels be added to your crowns!