Cub Center Chats

Cub Center Chats

Punxsutawney Phil was roused from his slumber Wednesday to make his prediction on our upcoming weather. You realize, of course, that he is correct about 39 percent of the time; nevertheless, his appearance is a festive occasion and a time for fun and frolic in that Pennsylvania town each year--the 136th annual celebration.

No, he’s not the same bigtoothed rodent who started, but one of many replacements who have been featured since that first big day. It seems that several New England states have their own groundhog seers whose predictions often disagree with Phil’s, but it’s all in fun anyway. So brace yourself for six more weeks of winter if you believe Phil, or dig out those Spring clothes if you agree with the Staten Island furry critter.

Brrr! Baby, it’s cold outside! The covering of snow has transformed our brown lawns into beautiful landscapes. Children’s squeals of delight could be heard as many appeared outside dressed in their snowsuits or layers of jackets and coats. Lovely sound those squeals and laughter! Memories of building snowmen, snowball fights, and drinking lots of hot chocolate flash through the brain. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of such a time, and endure the cold!

Frigid weather also brings to mind the hardships and struggles faced by many who choose to work in such harsh conditions. Valley Forge has always been a recurring vision during bitterly cold weather. George Washington’s troops suffered greatly without warm clothes, sufficient food and proper shelter. Today’s troops face many trials during harsh weather and often do so in foreign and dangerous places. Our local men who climb those icy poles to restore electricity are my heroes, as are all those first responders who brave the elements to assist us. We need to keep these men and women in our prayers and esteem them. I feel some hugs coming on!

butcher knives and cutting boards at the ready!! Lots of chopping is about to happen, mixed with lots of laughter and a few tears (onions). Those veggies have no chance to escape our talented crew as we chop and dice them into bite-size pieces for those gallons and gallons of warm, delicious soup for the big bash Sunday, Feb. 13! If you haven’t already bought a ticket, you can pay at the door. $7 is a great price for the mouth-watering soup, wonderful, tasty cornbread, and delicious dessert to be washed down with a big old glass of iced tea! We hope to see your smiling faces from 11:00–1:00 on Souper Bowl Sunday. Drawing for Judy Gandy’s cake and “Guessing Jar” contest winners will happen after the meal, and the winners will be notified. Good Luck!

Happy Birthday to Larry Gandy on the 11th. He is always the top ticket salesman for the SOUP feast, so if you see that particular boot-wearing person named Larry, just take out your wallet and fork over that $7, partner!

A few more people have volunteered to help at the Cub Center, and we are extremely grateful for them. Whether it’s calling BINGO or delivering meals or helping fill tea glasses, or you name it…- we appreciate your time and help. Call if you can help us out in emergencies. We’ll put you on our list of helpers.

We would welcome another table or two of domino shufflers to join us in “42,” “84,” or just dominoes. We would even make room for some card shufflin’ dudes and dudettes.

Be prepared! Bad weather essentials to keep on hand: Peanut butter, Crackers, Cheese, Matches, Candles, Books to read, Puzzle books, Hobby materials, Flashlight, Food that doesn’t require cooking, etc.

Be thankful for what you have, love your family and friends, and BE KIND.