A Content Teen

A Content Teen

My youngest daughter, Lanna, is very anti-social. While most people are hating this isolation COVID stuff, she is absolutely loving it. So, when we asked what she wanted to do for her birthday, it was no big surprise to us when she said she just wanted to stay in and watch movies. But, that makes it no different than any other night for her, and we wanted her birthday to be something special this year since it’s her first ‘teen’ celebration.

I suggested taking her and her sister to the Ft. Worth Zoo, but they were against that idea. The only idea she would settle on was a movie night. Go figure.

She is one of the most content children I know. Most children would be piling up the cart sky-high with bags of chips, cookies, ice cream and whatever else is within their reach at the grocery store. Not Lanna. I put maybe three snacks in the cart (all of which I had picked) and asked her to pick out more. Her answer was, “No, that’s plenty, Mumu.”

Since Halloween is right around the corner from her birthday, and she’s a big horror buff, we decided to mash her birthday and Halloween together. We told her she could pick whatever movies she wanted, and we would have a big slumber party in the living room; just the four of us. We pigged out on popcorn and pizza and watched cheesy old B-Rated horror films, among many other movies. We got her a strawberry and chocolate decadent cake as well as a cheesecake and she enjoyed every second of it.

I really am proud of the young lady she’s becoming. As for the Zoo, I’ll toss that idea around again next year and maybe she’ll be more open to it then.