

Olney Senior Cub Center

Hello November! Those floating yellow leaves trick us into believing that we are hosts to beautiful, agile butterflies, but closer examination reveals the truth. They are just leaves that are weakened by a reduced exposure to sunlight and lower temperatures. Changing seasons are wonderful, with each one bringing its own kind of beauty and wonderful scenes. They also keep us from getting bored and cranky from seeing “the same thing” every day. Humans do have a tendency to expect change in their lives pretty often! Mother Nature takes care of that, simply by tweaking our environment every three months.

Several celestial sightings are due up for viewing this month. All of the United States will be able to see a total lunar eclipse, but you might lose a few winks to catch that view. That show will start at about 2 .am. on Nov. 8. The Taurid meteor shower will begin on Nov. 13. The planet Uranus will be closest to the Earth in its orbital path and can be seen without the aid of a telescope. All you’ll need is your eyesight. A new moon will appear also, so look to the sky and enjoy the view.

Veteran’s Day will happen next week, so get your red, white, and blue ready to celebrate and honor these great people. Some have already called the Center to sign-up. Let us know if you are coming so we’ll make sure to have plenty of food cooked and ready for you! So proud to be an American!

Last Tuesday, our retired teachers met here at the Center for their November meeting. The state’s membership is down so if you have retired from any employment with a school district, please join! This is important so we can have a greater influence on our legislators in January when we petition for an increase in our teacher retirement income. With higher prices on everything, the paychecks need a boost for sure!

Well, last week’s Vixen appearance was doubled! Yes, she brought a friend with her this time. Such lovely creatures who can bound over fences with amazing agility and strength like they do is such a delightful sight.

Let’s compress a mile between two s’s and again show off our ivories as we spread happiness this week. A kind word and a smile have the power to change the course of a person’s life for the better. Be a change maker!