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Olney Senior Cub Center

Yea! October is beginning to feel like October! Early mornings are delightfully chilly now and makes for chubby-looking birds on tree limbs and fences. It is amazing how birds fluff their feathers like that. That process helps them to hold their body warmth captive and to protect them from the cold. Humans would probably die out if they had feathers. Why? Because most humans are obsessed with looking skinnier and that fluffy-look would not suit their fancy. What a shame! I’d like feathers, then I wouldn’t spend so much time looking for the correct weight jacket or coat to suit the temperature of the day, only to find out later that I had misjudged my needs since Texas weather can change drastically within a few minutes time. It is in my best interests NOT to have feathers since I’d prefer to have a color change every day or two. Guess I’ll just keep on being an indecisive human and load up my vehicle with jackets AND coats!

Wow! Gear up for a very busy day on October 15; lots of stuff going on. The city-wide yard sale, Hamilton Hospital’s Health Fair, night out at Griffin Park with Olney Police Department, and the Pancake Breakfast fundraiser at Olney Senior Cub Center are all scheduled for the day. So wake up, get up, and get out to take part in these activities. What a great day it will be!

Our high school band can be heard each morning as they practice their performances for upcoming football games, and it is wonderful to sit in the quiet morning and listen to that peppy music. Such talented young people! Pause and give a listen; it is sure to lift your spirits and bring back memories of your high school days.

It is time to post our birthdays for October here at the Center. Wade Fikes celebrates his on Oct. 10, Linda Phillips big day is on Oct. 17, Mary Riggins follows with her celebration on Oct. 19, and Gerald Butler will enjoy his on Oct. 30 just before the ghosts and goblins hit town. Give them a shout out on their special days. It is always nice to know people care.

Miranda from Angels Care Home Health came on Oct. 6 to give a program on Medicare Options. She is very knowledgeable about this topic from her association with the health care industry and is passionate in her willingness to share it with people looking for the best coverage. If anyone would like more information, just call the Senior Cub Center and ask for Miranda’s phone number.

October is breast cancer awareness month, so wear pink often to remember the people past and present who have dealt with the big “C” in their lives. Treatment options have improved which gives new hope to many people. Be supportive - be there for them, sometimes no words are needed, but your caring presence is.

I urge you to sit quietly outside for a while, whether at home or at a park and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Right now the Monarch butterflies are in abundance as they stop to refuel for their long flights to come as they head to southern warmth. Such a delightful spectacular display of beauty! Their fragile looks belie their strength and stamina since they can travel thousands of miles on their migrations each year. They are certainly an inspiration to many.

Don’t forget the delicious pancake breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 15! We open at 7 a.m. and keep cooking until 11 a.m. so come to enjoy the food and the fellowship!

Remember to wear pink! Remember to give comfort to someone or something! Remember to show kindness! Have a wonderful week and pray for rain.