Catching Bees

Catching Bees

A phrase most may be familiar with, “You catch more bees with honey,” comes to mind after recent weeks of sticking my nose around the hot topic of the moment on the local Rants and Raves page.

It seems after many years of fighting for the sale of alcohol within the city limits of Olney, it has finally been legalized. This is another issue that will always have heated debate about whether it’s a good thing or bad thing for our rural town.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am never one to shrink from a good debate. The issue I am seeing is when your tactics of debate include name calling and possibly slander of a good family name or citizen. This style of debating will never win anyone over to your point of view.

When seeking change for a town or organization, I find it best to state your facts in an even disposition explaining the why and why not of your point. Sticking to the facts and keeping a calm and rational disposition is key in my opinion. It’s never a good idea to bring people’s names into the debate to be used as examples.

If after much debate and explanation of issues does not bring forth the change one might seek, it may be time to run for office or start a petition to show just how many people feel the same way, then present the petition in front of local officials.

My Great Grand Pappy said you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink and you catch more bees with honey. This last catchy phrase is the real bit of wisdom needed if someone is going to make a run for office, especially in a small community like Olney. Sometimes one must seize the reins of leadership to effect change and sometimes just speaking out is enough. In either situation people are more apt to vote or listen to you when speaking in a rational manner, speaking facts and not mudslinging. This is Will B saying be the voice for change that people will want to listen to.