2nd Grade cont.

Dear Santa,

I want my school and the teacher to be more healthy so they can do more. I want my family to be healthy and good. Can you pick my present for me? Can you get a computer for Christmas?

Love, Sebastion Cambell

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want a PS 5 and I also want a fortnight AR nerf gun. I also want a gaming chair a gray drone, books and a soccer ball I want black air force 1’s and a I-phone 12. I hope you are feeling good how are you doing Santa?

Love, Coy Shifflett

Dear Santa,

I want a small four wheeler, headset with remote control, some video games, playstation, tech hoodies and a cowboy hoodies. I would like a go kart. I would like a toy reindeer and an toy elf.

Love, Kameron Betts

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I have been good. How have your elves been? Anyways can I have some dolls, slim, clothes, new shoes and new pants? Please!

Love, Melissa Melchor

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Can I get a LOL with a chain on it? Thank you for our presents over the years! Also could I get a real elf too, please? That’s all!

Thank you, Lilly Harrison Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy this year! I would like a razor and 4 oils, the book How to Change the Oils, a pair running shoes for my mom, and a belt buckle. How are you, Mrs. Claus and your Reindeer doing? Love, West Stephens

Love, West Stephens

Dear Santa,

I want a telescope. I would like a good Christmas for my mom and Dad. I would like football cleats. A big four wheeler. I want a puppy for Christmas. I want new shoes. I want a good Christmas for you. I hope you deliver presents on time.

Love, Oscar Aguilar Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

My name is Hagen. What I want for Christmas is a Lego haunted house with 90 pieces. Merry Christmas Santa!

Your friend, Hagen Johnson

Dear Santa,

I want an O.M.G. doll, a born baby doll, a new iPhone please. Also a new camera, clothes for my dolls and new dolls and a teddy bear. Thank you!

Love, Rilynn Bailey

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a teddy bear and a RC car. I also want a nerf gun. How are you doing? Can I have a blanket and an ant farm? Merry Christmas!

Love, Clayton Guthrie