
House of Mercy preps residents for life & ministry

House of Mercy preps residents for life & ministry

God got a hold of me. On January 8, 2020 I received a blast of hunger and thirst for the Lord. I began to ask God to put a new spirit in me and a new heart, that I might be saved and delivered once and for all from my past sins, so I could let the Lord use me for his glory. For 48 consecutive days, Jan 8th to Feb 25th, I didn’t eat one single meal. I would snack on a few saltine crackers here and there in hopes that I wouldn’t get too weak and collapse. Throughout the 48 days I would read Matthew 6:33 everyday, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you”. I was studying God’s word about 15-20 hours a day and the more I was into this routine, the less hungry I became for worldly desires. I became hungrier and thirstier to see God face to face one day. About halfway through my fasting, Preston Crow, the program director, was teaching from Revelation during one of his notorious 2:00 classes. I was listening to him teach and preach from Revelation for a couple of days when a light bulb went off in my head, and a different light sparked in my tem-ple (body). I raised my hand to tell him that God had just revealed to me that the worst thing to be in this world is a non-believer. Preston slowly nodded his head up and down and his eyes has watered up a bit. It was if he knew there was a change underway with me. Later that same night, I cried for all the non-believers. Then I started to redirect my mind towards myself. Did I RE- ALLY know Christ myself? Have I received the salvation that I so openly tell others about? Getting on my knees mid-morning, alone in my room, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. I invited him to live in me and walk with me for eternity. Immediately (not in an audible voice) God spoke to me. He was saying that the worst thing in this world now would be for me to not tell someone else about Jesus, seeing as how I now knew the way and the truth. The feeling of joy and pure happiness was so overwhelming. I’m excited to know that Jesus loves me and picked me to share in his glory with him. “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” -Jeremiah 33- 3
