Motherhood May Ruin Your Resume, But Not Your Influence

Many years ago, Adelade and I watched a baby giraffe come into the world via a live feed from the Dallas Zoo. We sat on our couch and struggled right along with that long, tall mama as she worked to help her (big) little one greet the world. We cheered when the spindly legs appeared, and we gasped when the baby dropped six feet to the ground, worn out and bewildered by this new world that she had suddenly encountered.

In the days following, we had several talks about birthing babies and just how incredible women are. At one point, preteen Adelade had a sudden revelation, and she half-jokingly exclaimed, “What is the DEAL with that? We’ve never even had a woman president, and WOMEN are the ones MAKING PEOPLE!”

I laughed and wondered what such a smart and aware and in-tune girl might accomplish someday. God has all kinds of roles for women like her, and sometimes one of those roles is motherhood. Smart, talented, sensitive, and with-it women make great mothers. And I hope that someday, if she is faced with a decision like, “Should I run for president?” she won’t be fooled into believing that answering yes is the only way to be an accomplished woman.

Some of the most accomplished women I know spend their days sorting laundry and packing lunches and changing diapers. They do this not because they can’t achieve anything else. No, they do it because they choose to apply their smarts and their awareness to the context of their home and their family.

I realize that many women don’t get to make that choice due to financial need. So on days when I worry that my resume is gathering dust in a drawer someplace, I remember that for whatever reason, God has provided an opportunity for me to grow my skills in a different context, in the realm of diapers and sippy cups and class parties and cracker explosions right after I’ve vacuumed. In this context I pray that I can train these children in the ways of Christ from hour to hour, clinging to Him harder than I could ever cling to a commendation at the office or an overflowing resume. This is a huge part of my calling, at least for now, and it is as important as a presidency, believe it or not. I pray that Adelade can see it.

Women really are incredible people. I have no doubt that one of us will make a stellar president someday. But, let’s never underestimate the influence of women who are doing the work of raising children all day, every day. Their resumes may be sparse, but their work will outlive them by generations.

Womanhood is a broad and varied landscape. There is room for the mamas, for the CEOs, and for the seamstresses. One day there will be room for the presidents. Whatever path God leads Adelade down, I pray that she will live in awe of motherhood. After all, we make people. While God rules the world, in many ways He uses the hand that rocks the cradle to do so.