YCHC considers historical markers

Historical markers were the major item on the agenda for the Young County Historical Committee when it met July 22 at the 1921 Young County Old Jail.

Members anticipate receiving a Texas historical landmark marker for the Old Jail this month. A marker dedication ceremony will follow and be announced to the public.

Kent Pettus, chairman of the historical marker committee, and members James Hayes and Eric Clifton are working on several other marker projects. Pettus received a foundry brochure to facilitate refurbishing two damaged Young County historical markers. The Cottonwood Springs and Britt Johnson markers have received extensive gunshot damage, and the latter needs its wording revised. In addition, a new marker needs to be erected at the Assembly of God Church in Olney. A brief discussion followed whether or not to pursue the National Register nomination for the 1921 Young County Old Jail, but no motion was made.

James Hayes, cemetery committee chairman, along with committee members Mandy Logan, James Hayes, Mary Faye Orr, and Jean Teis, are busy with a new project. The committee must gather a list of e-mails for all Young County Cemetery contacts for the Texas Historical Commission.

Julia Cox, head of the historical survey committee along with Susan Smith, Gay Storms, and Eva Mae Reger, reported on the THC website, which will be a major resource for surveys.

The YCHC met earlier in the year and nominated Judge Charles Bullock as its chairman. The judge comes to the position with many years of leadership and service to Young County. He was county commissioner for 20 years and county judge for 12 years.

Other members nominated for office include Susan Smith, vice chairman; Jean Teis, secretary; and Gay Storms, reporter. New YCHC members include Barbara Bobbitt, John Charles and Micki Bullock, Connye and Leon Hamlin, Judy Hayes, Mandy Logan, Eva Mae Reger, Kyle Sims, Jean Teis, Barbara and Wayne Trice, Jimmy Wiley, and Brad and Debbie Wilkinson.