Sen. Cruze on expanding seniors’ healthcare choices
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement on the administration’s new executive order to expand health care choices for seniors:
“This announcement is another important step toward improving health care choice for our seniors. At a time when Democrats are championing proposals to rip away Americans’ health care and impose a one-sizefits-all, government-run health care system, this executive order restores seniors’ power to choose the health care options that work best for them.
“Too many policies have made it more difficult for seniors’ to get the care they want and need, including taking away their Social Security benefits from them if they do not enroll in specific Medicare programs. I have led the effort in the Senate to restore seniors’ health care freedom with the Retirement Freedom Act, and I am encouraged to see the administration take similar steps with this proposal.”
“Since my first days in office, I have led efforts to stop the government-takeover of health care and instead help ensure workers, seniors, and families have the freedom to choose the health care that’s right for them. I look forward to continuing to work with this administration to deliver just that.”
Under current law, seniors are forced to enroll in Medicare Part A or risk losing their Social Security benefits if they choose other health care options. In April 2019, Sen. Cruz re-introduced, along with Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and Mike Lee (R-Utah), the Retirement Freedom Act (S.1030), a bill that provides seniors the choice to opt-out of Medicare Part A and utilize other health care options while protecting their Social Security benefits. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Ala.) introduced companion legislation in the House of Representatives.
Sen. Cruz added:“The Retirement Freedom Act provides another opportunity to re-empower seniors with more choices and flexibility when it comes to their health care. As Democratic presidential candidates campaign on full-scale socialized medicine with more mandates, higher taxes, and no choices, Congress should pass the Retirement Freedom Act and other bills that will boost competition, encourage innovation, and improve health care for all Americans.”