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Seasons of life

Recently, I celebrated a birthday. There were several different events with family and friends, so the birthday celebrations went on for weeks! I can’t complain.

When we turn 40 it is a day of, “Oh my! I am 40!” But years have a way of changing that state of mind. I now say, “I am thankful for another birthday!” With each stage of life, birthdays are celebrated with a lot of hoopla. The one-year birthday of our child is always celebrated with a cake and that one big candle in the middle. Everyone laughs, and claps as the little one tries to blow out that one candle.

That first day of school is celebrated with photos signifying the start of a 12 year journey of accomplishments. There are the academics, sports, and so many other interests to develop, and find the most important goals for one’s future. In the 1950’s-60’s, it was very common to have young marriages right out of high school. The choices were: college, job, and/or marriage. There were several engaged girls in my graduating class, and two married during the senior year. As I looked back I found that every one of those marriages lasted for life… not so true in today’s world.

I was an only child, and knew very little about raising children. I married young, and had children while I was young. My children survived and grew into amazing adults despite my lack of experience with children.

I loved to sew, and had great desire to sew for my children and myself. There were always ideas floating around in my brain—designing their next costume, Easter frock, special occasion, and of course there were the 4 piece, polyester knit pant suits of the 70’s (I loved that fabric!)

As our children began to leave home to live their own lives, it was a time of adjustment. My husband and I traveled some, but mainly to visit family and grandchildren. I took up art, and began to travel with art groups. My husband always encouraged my travels, as he never really enjoyed traveling.

I am now in the ‘winter’ of my life. My husband passed, and I am doing my thing —art, writing, traveling, and keeping up ‘the property.’ He would be pleased. The Lord is good! The seasons of life: Spring (childhood), Summer (family life), Fall (midlife), Winter (sunset years). Enjoy life!