Schools not using OHH telemed stations

Some of the six telemedicine terminals to be deployed by Olney Hamilton Hospital to area schools and rural clinics are not being used, OHH Chief of Staff Dr. Mark L. Mankins told the hospital board at its June 2 meeting.

“[The medical staff] had a long discussion about the telemedicine … setups but it looks like the schools have kind of dropped out,” Dr. Mankins said. “I’m not sure of the reason behind that.”

OHH trained personnel at Olney, Archer, and Newcastle Independent School Districts on the terminals last summer. One will be sent to Tower Extrusions, which will be using the equipment, Dr. Mankins said. The units were funded by a federal grant, OHH Administrator Mike Huff said.

Mr. Huff said Graham Regional Medical Center reported the same problem. “When I mentioned that to [Graham Hospital CEO] Shane [Kernell], he had run into the same thing,” Mr. Huff said. School districts, rural health clinics, anywhere – they have other priorities at this time. When the school districts are ready, we will be ready to move forward.”

Telemedicine has been billed by congressional lawmakers as a way to bridge gaps in the rural healthcare net for 3 million rural Texans. Between 2010-20, 26 hospitals in 22 Texas communities closed, according to the Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals.