Olney ISD School Board

Monday, March 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Jake Bailey, Dirk Barrington, Len Bernhardt, Jeff Harvey, Kyle Hinson, Kenley Lane and Dr. Greg Roach.

Administrator’s present: Dr. Greg Roach-Superintendent, Elaine Reno-Director of Accountability and Compliance, Jennie Walker-Human Resource Director, Matt Caffey-High School Principal, Gunter Rodriquez-Elementary School Principal, Jody Guy-Athletic Director and Tim H. Orsak-Chief Financial Officer.


President Jake Bailey called the regular meeting of the Olney Independent School District’s Board of Trustees to order at 6:05 p.m. The meeting has been duly called, and a notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551, and that a quorum of board members was present. Trustee Barrington provided an opening prayer. The Board reviewed the minutes from the February 24, 2020 regular meeting. Motion By: Jeff Harvey Seconded By: Dirk Barrington. Motion to approve the February 24, 2020 Board minutes as amended. Motion Carried: 6-0

Dr. Roach requested approval to make all necessary budget amendments to the 2019-20 financials to meet all purchasing requirements during the disaster declaration with the understanding all amendments would be presented to the board at the earliest meeting possible. Motion By: Len Bernhardt Seconded By: Dirk Barrington Motion to authorize Dr. Roach to make all necessary budget amendments to the 2019-20 financials as presented. Motion Carried: 7-0

The Board reviewed the February 2020 Schedule of Bank & Investments Report. The Board reviewed the February 2020 Cash Receipts and Deposits Report. The Board reviewed the February 2020 Check Register Report. The Board reviewed the February 2020 Budget Summary Report. Motion By: Dirk Barrington Seconded By: Kyle Hinson Motion to approve all the financial reports as presented. Motion Carried: 7-0

ITEMS for INFORMATION: Dr. Roach presented the February 29th school enrollment data. Elementary school reported ADA of 288.2 students; junior high school reported ADA of 165.9 students; and high school reported ADA of 153.6. The District’s Average Daily Attendance year to date is 607.7. The enrollment on February 28th was 656 students. Dr. Roach reported the district’s receipt of a $106,400.00 grant for the purchase of a new school bus.

ITEMS for ACTION: The Board reviewed the February 19, 2020 Big 4 SSA Management Board Meeting Minutes. Motion By: Kyle Hinson Seconded By: Jeff Harvey Motion to Approve the February 19, 2020 Big 4 SSA Management Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion Carried: 7-0

Dr. Roach reviewed proposed employee contracts. Motion By: Kyle Hinson Seconded By: Len Bernhardt Motion to approve the following contract recommendations: Gunter Ro driquez-extension of a 2-year term contract through June 30, 2022, Amanda Barrentes-extension of a 2-year term contract through June 30, 2022, Matt Caffey-extension of a 2-year term contract through June 30, 2022, Elaine Reno-12-month half-time term contract through June 30, 2021, Tim H. Orsak-a 24-month term contract through June 30, 2022, Jody Guy-extension of a 2-year term contract through June 30, 2022, Lori Cox-a 12-month term contract through June 30, 2021, Cristi Little-extension of a 2-year term contract through June 30, 2022, Rodney Bennett-extension of a 2-year term contract through June 30, 2022, Marilyn Bennett-12-month term contract through June 30, 2021, as recommended by Dr. Roach. Motion Carried: 7-0

Dr. Roach reviewed additional contract recommendations: Motion By: Theresa McClatchy Seconded By: Len Bernhardt Motion to approve the following contracts: Jason Powers-10-month dual probationary contract, subject to assignment, for the 2020-21 school year Kristi Exum-12-month half-time probationary contract, subject to assignment, through June 30, 2021.

Dr. Roach discussed the at-will employment of Kelli Cobb for the position of school guardian/security officer. Motion By: Len Bernhardt Seconded By: Kenley Lane Motion to hire Kelli Cobb for the position of school guardian/security officer as discussed. Motion Carried: 7-0

Dr. Roach discussed the Resolutions of the Board regarding extension of leave and wage payments during precautionary exclusion. Motion By: Kyle Hinson Seconded By: Jeff Harvey Motion to approve Resolutions of the Board regarding extension of leave and wage payments during precautionary exclusion as discussed. Motion Carried: 7-0

Dr. Roach discussed the Resolution authorizing OISD to establish a bank account for the Gerry S. Heath Scholarship. Motion By: Jeff Harvey Seconded By: Kyle Hinson Motion to approve Resolution authorizing OISD to establish a bank account for the Gerry S. Heath Scholarship with Dr. Greg Roach and Tim Orsak as authorized signatories and approve Tim Orsak to open the account as discussed. Motion Carried: 7-0

Dr. Roach discussed the appointment of Alyssa Betts to the Olney Community Library Board of Directors. Motion By: Len Bernhardt Seconded By: Dirk Barrington Motion to approve appointment of Alyssa Betts to the Olney Community Library Board of Directors as discussed. Motion Carried: 7-0

Dr. Roach discussed the junior high gym remodeling expenditures. Motion By: Kyle Hinson Seconded By: Kenley Lane Motion to approve budgeted expenditures for the junior high gym remodeling as discussed. Motion Carried: 7-0

Dr. Roach discussed options for the Board election date. Motion By: Jeff Harvey Seconded By: Dirk Barrington Motion to maintain May 2nd as the Board election date as discussed. Motion Carried: 7-0 Motion By: Jeff Harvey Seconded By: Dirk Barrington Motion to Adjourn Meeting at 7:16 p.m. Motion Carried: 7-0