Olney groups look to Sept. 5 Texoma Gives fundraiser for help

Olney groups look to Sept. 5 Texoma Gives fundraiser for help

Seven Olney nonprofits will be asking for community support in this year’s Texoma Gives day of online giving.

The organizations are: Keep Olney Beautiful, the Olney Education Foundation, Olney Volunteer Fire Department [OVFD], The Refuge Olney Christian Community Center, Olney Community Library and Arts Center, Young County Olney Senior Cub Center, and House of Mercy Enterprises.

Keep Olney Beautiful managed fundraising and construction of the new city swimming pool in Tom Griffin Park this year, and now plans to provide landscaping enhancements to the area along with new park lightng, as well as additional decorative lighting on Main Street and entrance signs on the north and south ends of town.

The Olney Education Foundation supports college- bound seniors from Olney ISD. The OEF is raising money to help with ACT testing, college and vocational application assistancce, aid with dual credit classes, and colelge move-in expenses.

OVFD would like help for its 29 volunteers to continue serving the community at fires, auto accidents, storm watching and assisting Olney EMS and Olney police.

The Refuge provides an after school program for elementary school children, 5th quarters after hometown football games, summer camps and internships, personal discipleship workshops, bible classes and fitness classes.

The goal of the Olney Library at this year’s Texoma Give fundraiser is to make available materials for research, education, and entertainment in digital, audio and visual forms.

The House of Mercy helps people transition from struggles with addiction, homelessness and incarceration transition to fulfilling and prosperous lives root in Christ.

To give to these organizations, go to TexomaGives.org and search for one of our local organizations on Sept. 5.