Olney Community Library reflects on summer activities

The Summer Reading Program, for the children, and additional events for the month of June, has concluded at the Olney Community Library and Arts Center.

The theme this year was “Libraries Rock!” I would like to thank the many people who helped make this summer a success.

Thank you to the children and their families who brought pets for the 40th Annual Pet Show on Tuesday, June 5, and to the panel of judges consisting of Kathy Baxter, Jennifer Scott, and Megan Jeske, who awarded a certificate to each pet.

Thank you to Salt Creek Animal Hospital and DVM; Brittany Thompson and technician Stephanie Rater, for providing the service of rabies shots. As a community, we whole heartedly appreciate the need for great care for our pets!

A big thank you to Jo Bob Whitaker and his sons for bringing goats and a calf for the participants to look at and pet! They educated us on the health, welfare and enjoyment of these animals.

Thank you also to Artie Woods from Wichita Falls, Texas, who presented McGruff and summer safety tips for the children!

Thank you to Olney ISD’s Building and Grounds crew for having tables and chairs set up for this program.

On other Tuesday mornings in June, we had two presenters: Andy Mason and Dinosaur George Blassing! Thank you to volunteers Arianna Esparza for playing the ukulele with Andy Mason, and Carla Inge, Julie Campbell, Dee Chandler and Sherry Altmiller, for their assistance with Dinosaur George at the Civic Center for their aid with this great program!

Thank you to the City of Olney for providing use of the Civic Center, facilitating the library program with building use for Dinosaur George and Olney Chamber of Commerce’s assistance with the community sign.

Readers Theater was the last Tuesday in June, and volunteer script readers included Alyssa Betts, Samantha Blevins, Julie Campbell, Obelea Rue, Andrea Livingston and Carla Inge. Scotte Clark made available his collection of charming puppets for us as well!

On Thursday mornings in June, another group of volunteers helped at the library for Stories, Crafts and Games hour. Thank you to Melisa Edgington, Alyssa Betts and Scotte Clark, who were guest readers for the children and contributed to the programs success. Thank you to Olney Junior High student Mallory Jeske for helping with crafts!

A huge thank you to Olney High School student Abbey Harrison for her consistent help at every event and program.

Also, thank you to summer library aide Olivia Kulhanek, who helped every step of the way, also by playing her clarinet for story time!

Thank you to parents, children, grandparents, babysitters and Olney Child Development Day Camp for coming to library programs and urging reading during the summer. Certificates and prizes for the Summer Reading Program participants will be distributed when school resumes to student and teachers or adults of participants will be contacted.

Thank you to the Olney Enterprise for quality pictures and articles. To the library staff and all who participated in small or big ways! Libraries Rock!