Olney City Council held the first meeting of 2020 & recognized Schneider’s 15 years

Olney City Council held the first meeting of 2020 & recognized Schneider’s 15 years

City Council held their first meeting of the new year on Monday, Jan. 13. The meeting began with citizen comment period with city council, followed by approval of minutes from the previous meeting.

Next up on the agenda for the council was to consider “TXU Electrical Rate Contract Amendment Replace Nodal Congestion Fee with Load Zone Fee. “ Discussing this for several minutes before coming to a decision.

The council went on to present TWUA Certificate of Appreciation to John Schneider for fifteen years of Continuous Service in this area. After the presentation, the council considered the tax resale property bid, deciding to reject for the time being with the vote being one nay, and the rest being yes to approve this motion. The agenda then moved to the ordinance ordering the May 2, 2020 General Election and Sign Order of Election, with Mayor Phil Jeske entertaining the motion to approve this ordinance with unanimous approval from the council.

The Council quickly considered declaring certain property as surplus for auction, with the motion carrying for each property that was listed. Next up on the agenda was the issue request for qualifications for water treatment plan improvement, with a motion carried by the council before discussing monthly departmental reports and the Budget Amendment Workshop. Lastly, was the Executive Session on the evening, “Deliberate Annual Performance Evaluation of Neal Welch as City Administrator of the City of Olney- Pursuant to Section 551,074 (a)(1) of the Texas Government Code.” This would conclude the City Council meeting for Monday, Jan. 13.