OHS Student Adelade Edgington Chosen to Speak at FCA’s Fields of Faith Oct. 2021 Event

OHS Student Adelade Edgington Chosen to Speak at FCA’s Fields of Faith Oct. 2021 Event

Olney High School (OHS) Junior Adelade Edgington was a keynote speaker at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Big Country East Fields of Faith event Oct. 13 at Graham High School. The Fields of Faith event allows students to use their athletic platform to share the love and transformative power of Jesus Christ.

Edgington explains, “Fields of Faith is basically a giant church service for local youth groups to attend together. Its main purpose is outreach, and it is held every year at the Graham football stadium. But, of course, this year, due to rain, we had it indoors in the gym.”

FCA is an interdenominational Christian sports ministry with a goal “to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes,” according to FCA. org. Edgington touts the benefits of membership, stating, “FCA is a time when you can fellowship with other Christians who don’t go to the same church as you do. I would tell students that FCA is a good place to start getting involved and encourages Christians who go to school together.”

When selecting speakers for the annual Fields of Faith event, the selection committee contacts various schools for suggestions and performs a review to determine which speakers will be approved. However, Edgington, an FCA member since seventh grade, did not wait to be selected; she was proactive.

“I asked if I could do it, and my church let the people in charge know. I sent in an email with a summary of my speech and was accepted,” Edgington exclaimed. “My key message was that Christians are called to be holy and set apart, as God is, and that we should view salvation as a decision that changes you forever, and not as an emotional feeling.”

Although Edgington is involved in speech and debate at OHS, she said the 2021 Fields of Faith event was her first time speaking to a large crowd. Many would say she is a natural orator as she is the daughter of Chad and Melissa Edgington--the pastor and first lady of First Baptist Church of Olney.

Edgington plans to remain in ministry. She said concerning her plans for the future, “I don’t really know what I would like to do. I know I want to join a BSM [Baptist Student Ministry] at whatever college I go to, but I’m not sure about a major or specific school yet. I am trusting God will reveal where I should go when the time comes.”