The Lord is with us
The Lord is with us

The Lord is with us

The Lord is with us

“ I have set the LORD continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Psalm 16:8 NASBS

King David was known as a man after God’s own heart. The Lord raised him up for this purpose so that in some of the darkest days of Israel he would govern them in the ways of righteousness, reigning over them as their King. He would also foreshadow the eternal King, Jesus Christ, Who would come a thousand years later to be his successor. But unlike David, Jesus Christ would be spotless and blameless, free from sin, the promised deliverer Who would make atonement for the sin by giving up His life on a cross. So with great privilege, let us look back into the historical records of God’s word for just a brief moment to see where the strength of David lies.

The sacred Scriptures allow us a window into David’s life so that we may see the many victories the Lord worked through him, but also the many failures of his life when he allowed the members of his mortal body to be led away by sin. Unfortunately, in the lives of many today we never really get to the underlying factor of David’s true strength, the strength that empowered him to overcome and persevere through the many trials he faced. Sadly, many Christians either focus upon his victories, as the one who conquered the Philistine giant, freeing the nation from bondage, or his failures, the one who committed adultery by taking Bathsheba into his bed and then having her husband killed in battle. Nevertheless, from the many victories and failures we see in his life there is one thing we see in his writings that stands out above all other things and that is his love for The Lord.

David’s strength is no secret to all who study the scriptures, for his strength was found in the God whom he served; The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and The God of Jacob. David knew the Lord was continually with him, for he saw His handiwork in all of creation; from the moon and the sun, to the luster of the stars that shine with beauty when darkness descends upon the day. He also knew the Lord’s word was living and active and able to guide him through the valleys of human ignorance. He held the sacred writings of Moses very dear to his heart, and he listened to the prophets that God sent into his life, such as Samuel and Nathan. David did not live a perfect life by no means, but He did live a life of repentance, trusting in the mercy of The Lord, giving glory to God in both his victories, as well as his failures.

Today Christian, may we as David, set the Lord continually before us by trusting in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. May we put all of our hope and dependence upon His death and resurrection and become students of His eternal word that will guide us through this dark world full of immorality.

May we become strong pillars inside of our church living a life of repentance, and with humility taking instruction from those whom The Lord has placed over us as teachers.

May God help us to do so, Amen.