Looking Back

100 Years Ago, August 30, 1918 A Message to Mothers

You know the real human doctors right around in your neighborhood; the doctors made of flesh and blood just like you; the doctors with flesh and hearts; those men who are responding to your call in the dead of night as readily as in the broad daylight; they are ready to tell you the good that Fletcher’s Castoria has done, is doing, and will do, from their experience and their love for children.

75 years ago: August 27, 1943

Was That Grass Fire Your Fault?

At 12:30 Tuesday morning, there was a trash fire on West Church, a grass fire north of Olney, destroying 1,000 acres on Capt. J.M. Graham and Mark Campbell land, there was a fire on the Green place Friday morning. Saturday, there was a grass fire at Joe Bensons. A bad gas connection caused a home fire at the H.C. Murrie home Friday afternoon.There have been several fires in Olney recently. Why? Who is to blame for those fires? Maybe they are not serious. But they could be.

50 Years Ago, August 29, 1968

Teachers Seek Vote For Amendment 9

Mrs. Leo Ramsey, president of the Olney—Newcastle Faculty Club, attended the state meeting of the Texas State Teachers Association held in Dallas this past weekend.

“This amendment modernizes the Teach Retirement System by eliminating the constitutional salary ceiling on which teachers can now contribute toward their retirement benefits,” Mrs. Ramsey commented. “There would be no additional local school district costs resulting from passage of the amendment.”

25 Years Ago, September 02, 1993

Juveniles Charged In Residential Burglary

A neighbor saw two persons burglarizing a pickup, called police and the police recovered the stolen items and arrested the two suspects before notifying the pickup owner of the burglary according to chief Cliff Blackstock.

Tools, tackle box, fishing rods, and reels, a CB, a gas can and spare tire were taken and recovered in the Friday burglary on West Grove. The pickup gas tank had also been syphoned because when the owner came to the police station to recover his items, he ran out of gas and had to use the gasoline in the can that was taken to put in the pickup tank.