Keep Olney Beautiful

A regular Meeting for the Keep Olney Beautiful board took place Monday, June, 17 at Hometown Coffee. Those attending were Jennifer Lane, Jenny Curtis, Arpegea Pagsuberon, Will Sadler, Hannah Stewart, Madison Wellman, Tami Harvey and Rue Rogers.  After Rue Rogers called the meeting order and recognized a quorum, the board discussed the following agenda topics.

Jennifer Lane presented an updated financial report stating the total amount in the KOB account is $90,128.71, with $25,000 earmarked for lighting at the walking trail; KOB will use the remaining $65,128.71 to go toward the Tom Griffin Park renovation. The committee’s goal is to raise $100k to go along with the $75k reimbursement grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife. Also, Lane said, Keep Olney Beautiful has received $3,530 in donations in Jeff Mc-Clatchy’s honor. That said, the committee had more than 30 “Thank You” letters to write for the donations to KOB, so the task was divided among the members who were present.   Lane will include a receipt in each letter for tax purposes. Arpegea will run the postage through the City of Olney and KOB will reimburse the City.

Larry Barnes from Heartland requested to attend the July meeting to discuss the Park project and to answer questions. The committee will rely on Barnes’ insight as they develop a timeline of events from equipment tear out to installation.

The committee briefly discussed the Christmas Tour of Homes and decided that at the next meeting, they will appoint a chairperson to lead the event and to begin organizing. Everyone was tasked to locate potential homes and to select a date in December to have the event.  The Bingo Night fundraiser is tentatively scheduled for next March or April in 2020.

The meeting ended with the discussion of old business, which included signs, banners and social media.   The committee did not take action on the landscaping for the entrance signs.   However, after the ground dries, they will proceed with the removal of the “Welcome to Olney Sign” on the east side of town.  Regarding the Main Street banners, Rogers will request help from TNMP to fix the broken or missing banners.   Rogers stated he has a few banners in storage that can replace the worn and missing banners. The KOB Facebook Page is live, and Kaci has been posting and can continue to do so.

The next meeting is scheduled for July 16 at 5:15 p.m. at Hometown Coffee and Tea.