Community Pulls together for a Day of Giving

Non-profit organizations all over North Texas reached out to the community for a 24-hour period of giving on Sept. 8 for the annual Texoma Gives event, which raise more than $2 million from 5,864 donors this year. Texoma Gives is an annual event that lasts only a day, but it is a day of generous giving by donors to 206 participants across the region.

Several Olney nonprofits participated in the event this year.

Olney Christian Community Center [The Refuge] received $145,000 from 46 donors. The Refuge served breakfast burritos and pulled pork sandwiches for lunch this year, along with cake and cookies. Rodney Nantz co-director of The Refuge said the funds would go toward “keeping the programs for our community running.” Those programs include “Fifth Quarter,” when students and athletes meet to fellowship after Friday football games, after-school programs, tutoring, and feeding programs, “Our mission statement is to preach the gospel according to the Bible, to strengthen our community, to provide a safe environment for all students and families to come and work out and enjoy the facility, and to support the local churches directed toward that mission,” Mr. Nantz said. “[And] for every family and every child to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Olney Community Library & Arts Center raised $1,150 donated by 19 donors. The OCLAC is the library for Olney Independent School District and the community of Olney. In addition to lending books, the library also hosts local artists and holds shows for their work, as well as painting sessions. The library brings in guests to entertain and teach children and sponsors many other wonderful events designed to bring the arts to Olney.

Olney Education Foundation raised $7,845 from 45 donors. The OEF helps students with scholarships, mentorships, and financial needs. OEF sponsored five former Olney High School students who graduated from college in 20212022.

Olney Volunteer Fire Department [OVFD] received $2,435 from 20 donors. The members of the OVFD work tirelessly to put out fires each year and that takes a toll not only on personnel but on equipment, and these and other donations are greatly appreciated and needed, according to Olney Fire Chief Clint Pulliam.

Keep Olney Beautiful raised $2,025 from 23 donors. KOB is a local non-profit whose goal is to improve Olney. Recently, KOB finished Phase 2 of the Griffin Park update, which included new playgrounds, picnic tables, and BBQ grills. KOB is working hard to devise a plan to replace the municipal swimming pool, which closed indefinitely in June because of structural problems.

Young County Olney Senior Cub Center raised $18,616 from 48 donors. The Cub Center is a social hub for seniors and members of the community of Olney. Cub Center provides nutritious, low-cost lunches at the facility and through the Meals on Wheels program. The center hosts fellowship opportunities such as bingo, cards, dominoes, puzzle builds, and many events celebrating the holidays and other activities.

All of these non-profits provide valuable resources to the members of the Olney Community and could use your support not only on Texoma Gives day but throughout the year. Donations of time or funds are greatly appreciated.