Commissioner Rogers seeking re-election
Young County Commissioner Stacey K. Rogers has announced his plans to seek re-election for Precinct 3 Commissioner. Rogers is currently the commissioner for Precinct 3 and has lived in Young County for over 50 years. He and is wife Penny are active members of the Newcastle First United Methodist Church where Stacey is Finance Chairman. Stacey serves on the
Young County Farm Bureau Board of Directors and is elected as Secretary/ Treasure. He also serves on the Young County Jr. Livestock Show Board, True Cemetery Board and a member of Olney Chamber of Commerce for almost 25 years. Penny and Stacey are proud parents of Jonathan, a first-time voter, who attends Texas Tech University planning to obtain dual credit degree in general business and agriculture economics. Rogers is a graduate of Olney High School and West Texas A & M University with a B. S. in Ag Business and Economics. Stacey is also a graduate of Commissioners Court Advanced Curriculum Program, an advanced certification for county commissioners and judges.
Rogers states “He will continue his road rehab and maintenance program and will continue to represent you in the courthouse to reduce your tax burden for providing public services,” Rogers believes being a fiscal conservative with positive leadership combined with a strong work ethic will serve the people of Young County Precinct 3 well.
With contacts and ability to jump through their hoops, I have secured about $650,000 of outside money from TXDOT off system bridge program, FEMA, CETRZ and other programs to rehab roads and facilities since becoming your commissioner. I work daily beside road and bridge employees to reduce labor costs for those monies to purchase additional road materials each year.
It takes a motivated person to serve others. I respect the office I have been elected to serve. All decisions made are for the best interest of the county and not for a select few. I have the education, advanced training and courthouse demeanor.
I will be honored to continue to represent YOU as Young County Commissioner.