Club News: Amity Club “Motherhood” Theme

Amity club met Thursday, November 7, in the parlor of First Baptist Church in Olney. President Phyllis Whitsitt called the meeting to order, followed by the reading of the Club Collect. Members in attendance: Evelyn Altmiller, Judy Averett, Rita Choat, JoAn Key, Ann Lundy, Gail Spears, Jeanie Spivey, Lucretia Taylor, Phyllis Whitsitt, Judi Winslow, Bobby Wright. Two new members were welcomed to the Club, Nita Hearn, and Ronni Walker.

Minutes were read by Secretary Judi Winslow and approved, followed by the Treasurer’ s report given by Lucretia Taylor. Donations to the Olney Volunteer Fire Department Children’s Christmas Fund were collected by Mrs. Taylor. Following reports by Standing Committee Chairpersons, President Whitsitt turned the program over to Ann Lundy, Program Chairperson for November.

Melissa Edgington, pastor’s wife, mother of three, and accomplished writer was introduced by Mrs. Lundy; Mrs. Edgington focused on the theme for November “Season of Motherhood”. Remembering holding your child as the infant in your arms, the bonding between Mother and Child. Motherhood is hard. It’s all at once beautiful and devastating in a million different ways. It brings things out in us that we didn’t know were there, both good and bad. And, it teaches us so much about God’s love for us. If motherhood has taught us anything, it’s how quickly phases of life come and go.

But, what we call motherhood–training and raising and caring for children–is fleeting, just like everything else. It doesn’t last forever, this phase of life. Children grow and they change, and you grow, and you change, and then they begin a new life out in this great big world.

At the conclusion of the program, President Whitsitt, and members thanked Mrs. Edgington and the hostess, Judy Averett, and Bobby Wright for the lovely refreshments.