Abandoned Water Wells are A Danger To Animals And Humans – And Texas Could Have Thousands Of Them

AUSTIN – A recent incident in Bastrop County where three people died when they tried to rescue a dog that had fallen into an abandoned cistern highlights the dangers of abandoned or deteriorated water wells in Texas. Cisterns, which are not regulated in Texas, have solid bottoms and sealed sides so they can store water. Although cisterns are not wells, this tragedy shows how below- ground water storage tanks can be just as dangerous as abandoned or deteriorated wells.

The three people were reported to be hog hunters who entered a cistern in a cornfield, trying to rescue a hunting dog that had apparently fallen into the uncovered cistern. The people were all overcome by toxic fumes that had built up in the cistern, according to law enforcement officials in Bastrop County.

There may be thousands of abandoned or deteriorated water wells in Texas posing safety hazards and contributing to groundwater pollution.

Anyone who is aware of abandoned or deteriorated wells is urged to report them to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) at https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/abwells/default. aspx. When filing the report, please include an address or GPS coordinates, as well as any photos or video of the well, if possible.

Abandoned or deteriorated water wells can contaminate groundwater by providing a direct conduit for chemicals and other surface contaminants, such as animal waste and pesticides, to directly enter aquifers. Uncapped wells also present a physical danger to humans and animals who can be severely injured or killed when they fall partially or completely into the well.

Landowners who are not sure if there are abandoned water wells on their property should look for plastic, steel, brick or concrete casing (pipe) that may extend above ground, or for a hole in the ground with no apparent bottom. Some abandoned wells have concrete or brick casing extending above ground or a windmill with missing blades. Abandoned or deteriorated well casings or pipes may be cut off at ground level, posing an additional threat.

Wells are “abandoned” when they are not in use, as defined by Texas Occupations Code, Section 1901.255.

A “deteriorated” well is a well that is causing or likely to cause pollution of any water in the state, including groundwater.

Under Section 1901.255 of the Occupations Code, abandoned or deteriorated wells must be plugged or brought into compliance within 180 days of a landowner learning that they have an abandoned or deteriorated well on their property.

Landowners are responsible for abandoned or deteriorated water wells on their property. If a well needs to be plugged, they may plug the well themselves (in compliance with Title 16, Texas Administrative Code, Section (76.104 Capping and Plugging Wells Standards) or hire a well driller or pump installer licensed by TDLR to plug the well or bring the well into compliance.

If a landowner chooses to plug the well themselves, they are required to plug the well in accordance with TDLR’s well plugging specifications (https://www.tdlr. texas.gov/wwd/wwdspecs.htm) and submit a State of Texas Plugging Report to TDLR within 30 days from the date the well was plugged.

To avoid problems in the future, landowners should install a locking well cap or sanitary well seal – not just a cover over the well – to prevent unauthorized use or entry into the well. Septic systems should be pumped and inspected as often as recommended by the local health department. Care should be taken when mowing or working near the well.