23 Scares Haunted House is Open

23 Scares Haunted House is Open

The 23 Scares Haunted House opens Oct. 30. The Olney High School Junior class plans to “scare up” donations to help fund class projects and events for their senior year. The haunted house fundraiser is becoming a popular tradition with the Juniors, according to Taaron Scrogum.

Taaron is an OHS Junior who has been one of many juniors planning and decorating the 23 Scares.

“My freshman year, we did it [put on the 23 Scares], and it was fun to do, something that no class has done, and to experience something like this with my class is something I will probably never forget,” Scrogum said.

Richard Walp, another OHS junior was able to give his perspective on 23 Scares.

“I wanted to help people enjoy something that we’ve never really had in town before and bring the community together. Also, to help my class raise money for every need. My favorite part about Halloween is the dressing up, the children dressing up, and just the creativity in general of the community. I hope everyone comes to the haunted house because it’s going to be super cool, for sure,” Walp said.

The 23 Scares Haunted House is located at 202 East Main St. Olney.

The Haunted House hours are between 7 p.m. and Midnight Oct. 30. The price of admission is $10.

Please visit @ScaresHautnedHouse on Facebook for more information.