We won the lottery by birth

We won the lottery by birth

Last February as the Super Bowl was going on, I chose to watch Trey Gowdy’s “Sunday Night in America.” In one of the segments he talked about people around the world who do not have the privileges that we take for granted as citizens of America. At our southern border we see people from around the world doing what ever it takes to gain entry into our United States.

I think of our forefathers who founded our country on Christian principles. I think of the men who helped build this country with their own money...railroads, steel mills, oil production, and automobiles. The pioneers traveled across the country in covered wagons to gain land and build a new life.

In the late 1800’s, my grandmother’s family traveled to Oregon in a covered wagon searching for land and a new home. They eventually came back to the Texas-Oklahoma area where they settled.

My husband’s families came to Young County from Kentucky and Alabama. One family came for the cheap land, and the other came for work in the Newcastle coal mines.

As Americans, we are free to live life as we choose. We travel around the world but can return home to America without question. Our children can grow up to be whatever they choose to be. We enjoy the luxuries that life in America offers us. It’s called Freedom!

We have been through the pandemic, inflation is soaring, and the midterm elections are heating up. It seems the world is in a turmoil that can’t be fixed, but we have been thru scary times before. So, in spite of what we are experiencing these days, America is still the greatest country in the world.

We were born in America, and to quote Trey Gowdy, “We won the lottery—by birth!” God Bless America!