The Sound Performs at FBC 20 years of quilt stories on display at Interbank
The Sound Performs at FBC 20 years of quilt stories on display at Interbank

The Sound Performs at FBC 20 years of quilt stories on display at Interbank

A group of quilters who have been wrapping North Texas with their loving creations for 20 years hung a display of their work at Olney Interbank on May 8. The nine quilts follow the same pattern made with unique color schemes. The group’s work will hang at the bank for two to three months, evoking two decades of good works.

“When things come up that we feel like people could use the warmth of a quilt, we provide it,” said Mary Butler of Olney, who helped found the group two decades ago after retiring from teaching language arts at Olney Independent School District.

In October of 2003, Mrs. Butler and Marcella Hudson of Graham, met while taking a quilting class. After talking about the idea of forming a group of fellow quilters in the area, they advertised in area newspapers and invited women to meet to form such a group. The first meeting was held in the Fort. Belknap Conference Room on Oct. 14, 2003. Fourteen people attended the first meeting. The group continued to meet once a month on the second Monday. Since the group seemed to grow and enjoyed gaining knowledge from the programs, demonstrations, and hands-on projects, they voted to organize on Jan. 13, 2003.

Quilters from Wichita Falls, Scotland, Olney, Megargel, and Graham have sponsored quilt shows and provided quilts for people who lost everything in house fires, donated quilts to raffle off to benefit Turning Points and Keep Olney Beautiful. Also, quilts were given to Wounded Warriors, youth mission trips fundraisers, and baby blankets for new mothers. Other projects have included making pillowcases for foster children’s birthdays, small Christmas goodie bags for foster parents, and totes for foster children.

A quilt was made to commemorate the completion of Olney Elementary School. The group’s many projects have been funded by raffle quilts and the generous donations of fabric by guild members and community members. The group’s membership continues to fluctuate and is open to anyone who is interested in sewing and improving their skills while learning from each other. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in a classroom at the First Baptist Church of Olney. For more information, contact Rosalee Craig at 940-564-2800, Sandra Woolley at 940-564-2340, or Mary Butler at 940564-6355.