Looking at the book of John, which is an historical account of the life of Jesus, we see a glimpse of how much love The Lord truly had for His disciples. As we look at the verse above, there is no doubt you could write a never-ending commentary on it, but I simply want to encourage you with one aspect of it. It was the last night before Jesus would enter into His sufferings. John describes to us, through the language of Jesus, how much love He has in his heart for those whom He is about to die for. The Lord Jesus, under the extremity of great stress, about to undergo the most brutal death of any man, sets aside the very thoughts of the tragic crucifixion that awaits Him, to bring them comfort. Oh the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ, to what can it be compared to? Oh, how He loved His disciples and kept them to the end. Though the enemy tempted them with many things He did not lose any of them except the son of perdition, Judas Iscariot, who was prophesied long beforehand. The Lord Jesus told them He had to die in their place for their sins, but that He would be raised from the dead after three days. He told them after these things He would send the Holy Spirit to dwell in them and they would receive power from on high to accomplish all the Father would have them to do. With great love, knowing that persecution awaited them, He said, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Be amazed and marvel my brothers in sisters of the faith, for the same love The Lord had for his disciples in His earthly ministry, He has for you while He is seated at the right hand of His Father in heaven. Jesus Christ, The One Who has no beginning or end, the infinite, eternal, unchanging God, with great love clothed Himself in the frailty of human flesh and come into the world to save sinners such as you and me. Yes, it is true, This infinite God, Jesus Christ, Who holds the universe together by the breath of His word, offered Himself up as a living sacrifice to save you from the power of death. Such love has never been seen from the foundations of the world, and such love will never be seen again in this lifetime. It is a love that is so unfathomable that it exceeds the intellectual capacity of all human thought. Just think about it for just a moment. The very moment Jesus began His earthly ministry He set His eyes towards Jerusalem, where He would be executed, thinking about you all the while. He had your very name written upon His heart and like a mighty warrior He slew Satan, the prince and the power of the air, and conquered the grave so that He could bring you to Himself. He took off your filthy clothes of unrighteousness and clothed you in His righteousness calling you His beloved.

Take heart Christian, though you may pass through the valley of tears for a time, the gates of heaven have been swung open for you through Jesus Christ. Though your heart may be exhausted from fighting sin, The fountain of life burst forth inside of you crying, “Abba Father. May joy break forth in you, for divine justice has been paid, for The Father has given you His Son, The Son has freely paid your debt, and The Holy Spirit bids you to come to Him, for the mercy seat has been sprinkled with His blood and you are free. Will you come to Christ today?


“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 NASBS