Push past the pain
Push past the pain

Push past the pain

Getting into the workout zone is a difficult task for many people. Having to wake up early or extend your day for a workout is not always the most exciting. Imagine how dealing with pain further complicates the exercise situation. If you’re like me, my first thought is to take a break the moment I have any pain. Sometimes, taking a break to rest could be a good thing, but it can also be the gateway to many more missed workouts. The ideal situation is to push past the pain by finding alternative ways to stay fit while your body recovers.

Several people have mentioned that they don’t see me walking anymore. I’m still walking, just not as far because I am dealing with severe pain in one of my legs. While I am working with a medical team to troubleshoot the causes of the pain, I’ve found other ways, such as swimming, to burn calories that would not cause me to lose the rhythm of a walking routine that has taken me three years to build.

Swimming makes it easy to push past the pain because there is no impact on your joints when you swim. Swimming has helped me to manage my weight, and it keeps me grounded mentally. The silence beneath relaxes me and ushers me into a tranquil state where I can think clearly. Some of my best decisions have been made during a swim. Also, my body feels fantastic after a good swim because I am working all of my muscles, whether I’m backstroking or freestyling. Regardless of which style of swimming you choose, you must engage your arms, legs, and core to swim a lap. If you’re not a swimmer, you can benefit by simply walking in the pool. You may want to consider water aerobics, which is just as beneficial as swimming laps. The pool can be a delightful way to stay in shape while you give your joints a short break.

Don’t allow pain to push you out of your exercise routine. Push past the pain and keep your body in motion. Please email coach@pgf.life for additional low-impact exercises or ideas to stay fit during your pain crisis.

Ronni Walker is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in mass communication. She is committed to helping people transition to and maintain healthy lifestyles through the P.RE.T.T.Y. Girl Fitness project. You may contact by sending an email to coach@PGF.life.