Olney Enterprise visits Kindergarten

Olney Enterprise visits Kindergarten

On May 21, Ethan Nickel and Will Sadler (editor and photojournalist for the Olney Enterprise) visited with Mrs. Blevins’ Kindergarten class. The Enterprise spoke about what kind of things were done on a daily basis at the Enterprise as well as the reasons why Ethan and Will chose to go into the field of news reporting. The class was well behaved and asked many interesting questions.

“We think it’s important for the students to experience different occupations, especially if they are different than what the student is growing up around. The kids listened and had fantastic questions for all of our guests. I believe they learned so much more by having the community helper come in and teach them about their job. We had the fire department, police department, EMS, Dr. Sarah Smartt from the vet clinic, Madalyn Massey from Cub Drug, Holly Bailey from Hometown Coffee & Tea, Summer and Dan Branum from the Branum law office, Mayor Rue Rogers, Tori Wales from Southern Roots salon, Jason Pack from Stewart’s Food, Coach Jody Guy as Olney’s athletic director, Jodee Wales from Tower Extrusion, and Will Sadler and Ethan Nickel from the Olney Enterprise. While they all responded well to everyone that came, I believe the favorite was Coach Guy! He had them all rowdy and ready to play by the end! We had a great group of guest speakers and next year we hope to expand to even more,” stated Mrs. Blevins.