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The lot on which this hot is situated began being traded in 1924, and you must recall that the oil boom started in 1923. Also, you must remember that housing was scarce and that some people may have lived on this bare lot with only a tent over their heads. You could have a wooden floor that you fit the tent over and have water and gas connections. The City did not make sewer connections mandatory until immediately after the end of World War II.

In 1924, Lucy Duffy and James Howard Shaw sold the lot to R.E. Goodman for $2,000. In 1925, Goodman sold a portion of the lot to Pearl Stout for $1,600. In 1926, Stout sold her portion of the lot to Jon F. Blair for $1,600. Goodman enters the scene again and sells a portion to O.C. Cowser.

In 1946, Cowser and his wife, California residents, sold the property to L.H. Cowling (1875-1947) for $650. This shows how the value of a bare lot could vary through these years. It appears that Cowling moved the house that is on the lot today for a homestead. Cowling died in 1947 with his widow, Amanda getting the property. Amanda died in 1959 and the Cowling son, Dewey, received the property.

In 1963, Dewey Cowling sold the property to Henry Conder (1937-2003). Henry was a trusted worker for OPEX as an electrician. Henry died in 2003, and his widow, Judith, remarried later. There were several conveyances among the family members in the next few years. The result was that Judith Elliott gave the property to Ladonna Conder in 2009, and she is still the owner today.