The Great Separation
The Great Separation

The Great Separation

“His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” Matthew 3:12 NASBS

The Bible makes it very clear that God has set aside a specific day when His wrath will break out like a violent storm upon the unrepentant and ungodly.

On that fateful day, those individuals who have chosen to reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ will finally come to terms with their sins, ultimately bringing glory to God through the profound separation of the wheat from the chaff.

This crucial event is vividly illustrated in the book of Matthew, where it is stated, “His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

For those who have scorned and disregarded the Son of God, this will be a truly horrifying moment. For they have regarded as unclean the precious blood, for which they could have been saved. In doing so, they have insulted the Holy Spirit by willfully rejecting the truth of God when the Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented to them in all its clarity and power.

Consequently, they have rendered themselves guilty, bound by the internal corruption that rages within them that has already condemned their souls. This hidden decay lies concealed within the depths of their heart, waiting for the day of reckoning when the true consequences of their choices will be made known, “for nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.”

My friend, if this reflects the condition of your soul, how much longer will you continue to reject the crucified Savior? How long will you turn away from the Lord Jesus Christ, Who endured the wrath of God over two thousand years ago for those who approach Him in faith and repentance?

History itself stands as a testament against you. What other individual has left such a profound mark on society, whose ministry spanned only three short years while boldly claiming divinity?

Does history not record that His tomb was found empty after His death, with over 500 witnesses affirming this miraculous event? Is Jesus not the most influential figure in the world today? Is His name not a topic of debate and discussion among people of all nations? The scriptures resonate with truth, declaring, “For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations.”

However, I believe that history alone cannot bring saving grace to your heart; only the Holy Spirit can effectually call you to salvation. The scriptures say, “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

The path to salvation lies in the simplicity of the gospel message: the good news of Jesus Christ—His sacrifice on the cross, His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. These fundamental truths are used by the Holy Spirit to pierce the heart and lead you to salvation, as Jonah said, “Salvation is of the Lord.”

Imagine seeing with the eyes of your heart those nail scarred hands bearing away your sin. Picture the crown of thorns pressed upon His head, the crimson blood flowing from the wounds of His body, and His eyes—filled with sorrow—offering forgiveness for every one of your transgressions.

Now hear His voice amidst His suffering, crying out, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” For those of us who believe in Jesus have already entered into His rest. We have repented of our sins and have accepted His forgiveness. Therefore, death is no longer our foe; instead, it is a chariot that carries us to God.

Today, I urge you to come to Jesus Christ. Just as a small child trusts in the love and protection of their father, place your complete hope in Jesus and pursue Him with all your heart.

Open the Word of God, which is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to unveil Him to you in a deep personal way.

The scriptures tell us, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

May God bless you with faith and bring you into this rest today.